This can be a practical and effective means towards relational growth and healing. Oftentimes, committed relationships experience difficulties and for some, these troubles reach a point where one or both partners are profoundly disappointed within their relationship. Not all couples choose to approach therapy only in times of distress. Some choose to participate in couples therapy in order to enhance their current relationship.
Relationships can give us joy and comfort, but they can also disappoint and hurt. How do you react to those moments of negativity? Often times we feel defensive and either withdraw or say things we might later regret. Problems are not solved during an argument … but new problems tend to arise as a result of an argument and escalating conflict. Therefore, what is important is how you interact with your partner and resolve your conflict.
Couples counseling is a way to learn about yourself in a relationship and how to interact with your partner in a healthy and positive way. This can be achieved through couples therapy exercises and couples therapy techniques. Working together, we will focus on your relationship and enhance your communication tools and conflict management/resolution skills.
Marriage counseling is another form of Couples Therapy. Marriage counseling helps couples recognize and resolve conflicts, issues, and improve relationships. Through marriage counseling, each partner is encouraged to examine key issues related to personality, perception, and values. This allows each partner to make thoughtful decisions and choices about the relationship including decisions about what changes are needed (in the relationship and in the behavior of each partner) for both to feel satisfied with the relationship.
Couples therapy can be short term. You may need only a few sessions to help you weather a crisis. Or you may need couples therapy for several months, particularly if your relationship has greatly deteriorated, along with more in-depth marriage exercises for struggling couples. As with individual psychotherapy, you typically see a marriage counselor or therapist once a week. Sometimes the process is very similar to individual psychotherapy, sometimes it is more like mediation, and sometimes it is educational. The combination of these three components is what makes it effective.
Studies on divorce have shown that 40-50% of marriages, 60%-65% of second marriages, and 75% of third marriages, all end in divorce.
The pain from previous relationships or marriages accompanied by feelings of failure can often be carried into new relationships resulting in repetition of the same behavioral patterns. Rather than approaching new relationships with fear, marriage counseling will teach you to master new skills and increase positive results.
Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our professionals today.
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