At Bald Mountain Behavioral Medicine, our professionals are trained in the specialty of helping people recover from substance abuse. Our counselors treat teens, men, and women of all ages. They aim to provide advice, treatment and ongoing support necessary for recovery. Counselors may work with teams of healthcare professionals to address the physical, mental and emotional needs of each patient. They may employ interview techniques and diagnostic tests to determine whether a person is ready for treatment and which therapeutic methods should be used. They help patients set goals, and then they monitor progress on those treatment plans. Our counselors help the patients process the experience, by helping them recognize how this moment was reached, how to avoid or cope with situations that once led to substance abuse, and how to focus on more positive and productive aspects of life. Since support is a key aspect of preventing relapse, our therapists often talk with family members about ways to assist in the recovery process, which can include supporting clients in joining support programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with one of our professionals today.
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